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Showing posts from 2013

Missing documents after migrating from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013

I had a task to migrate the content database of a web application in SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. I performed the database-attach method (the only possible with SharePoint 2013 migration) and everything seemed to be working. The problem came when I navigated in the document libraries. There were a lot of missing files. At first, it looked scary but the reason was logical:     - I migrate the web application to a new farm with different Active Directory     - The missing files didn’t have published version so they were not missing but hidden     - Even I was logged with the System Account the security trimming hide these files The way to make the files visible is to publish them. Just navigate to   Library Settings -> Manage files which have no checked in version  . From here you can take the control over the documents and to publish them: Looks simple but it took me time to identified the issue.

SharePoint 2013: Error occurred in deployment step 'Install App for SharePoint': Failed to install App for SharePoint.

The scenario: You want to start building SharePoint-hosted app for SharePoint 2013 on your dev machine(!) . You have SharePoint installed (and some basic configurations about) SharePoint 2013. You download working code form internet or use an empty VS 2012 app template. Run VS solution and you get the following error. The problem: Error in VS 2012: “ Error occurred in deployment step 'Install App for SharePoint': Failed to install App for SharePoint.” The solution: Verified that you have correctly configured your environment to support SharePoint-hosted app. Notes:  Visual Studio doesn’t give you much information why the step 'Install App for SharePoint' failed. In my case – I lose one day before I realized that I haven’t configured my environment. (Sound stupid but thinking about all this app stuff, I have missed the basic.) So if you experience the above error, I will recommend you first to double check if you have everything in the list: - developing ag...

Prevent multiple postbacks in SharePoint 2013

The scenario:  Disabled the button after user’s click event. Prevent user from clicking it several times. The problem: If the button is disabled, the server side event handler is not fired. The solution: Set the property UseSubmitBehavior to false . Explanations :  Here is the working code of how to have disabled button after it is clicked: < asp : Button ID ="Button1" runat ="server" Text ="Do Postback" UseSubmitBehavior ="false"   OnClick ="Button1_Click" OnClientClick ="Validate(this)"   />         function Validate(thisObj)        {            thisObj.disabled = true ;            return true ;        } If you don't set the property UseSubmitBehavior your code in the handler Button1_Click won’t fire. I spend several hours in debugging...

SharePoint and List Joins with CAML

This came to me as an issue when I started migrating one project from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. The code uses LINQ to SharePoint and it was not written in a clever way. We decide to use CAML queries and optimize the code. The scenario: Create gridview that gathers information from three(or more) lists. The problem: How to create the CAML query joins and projected fields correctly. Explanation : Option 1: Get generated CAML query from LINQ to SharePoint code This doesn’t work. I wrote the LINQ to SharePoint code connected the three lists. When I executed the code the following error was thrown – “ The query uses unsupported elements, such as references to more than one list, or the projection of a complete entity by using EntityRef/EntitySet. ” Here is some explanation about it and why this can’t be used. Option 2: Write the query yourself I found this article in MSDN . Read it ! The second part in it is exactly my scenario. But it takes me a lot of time to un...

Using SharePoint Attachments' controls with elevated security

The scenario:  Create custom forms for Add/Edit/Delete items to a list which is not accessible by the regular users. The forms should support working with attachments. The problem: The default SharePoint controls don’t work if the current user doesn’t have access to the list items. The solution: Use custom code for generating the SharePoint default HTML so the out-of-the-box javascript works correct. Explanations:  The scenario occurs when some list need to be hidden form the users. The list has broken security inheritance and users can't navigate directly to it. Working with its fields requires crating web warts or application pages with appropriate controls on them and server-side code running under elevated privileges. The issue here is that the OOTB (out-of-the-box) controls for Attachments don't work if the user doesn’t have access to the related list item. The OOTB controls are: AttachmentsField , AttachmentUpload , AttachmentButton . There is a lot of cod...

ClientPeoplePicker in SharePoint 2013

Start using SharePoint 2013 I noticed that the way for selecting people or groups is changed. The new way is simple – just ‘Enter name or email address’ without any icons for ‘Check Names’ or ‘Browse’. I guess that the PeoplePicker is changed but NO. PeoplePicker sitll has the same functionality as before. There is a new control called ClientPeoplePicker . How to use it: 1. Add this references <% @ Register TagPrefix ="wssawc" Namespace ="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" Assembly ="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %> 2. Add the following control declaration       < wssawc : ClientPeoplePicker          Required ="true"          ValidationEnabled ="true"          ID ="peoplePicker"          runat ="server"   ...